Sunday, April 4, 2010

in reverence of the games people play in order to obtain sex...

  admit it: you employ a system in order to determine if someone is worth talking to so you can decide whether they're fuckable or not?

  yeah, i do, too, only the problem with my system is that every woman who is nice and can look me in the eyes when i talk to them is pre-qualified for sex with me. the problem with this system is that it is waaay too open to succeed. or at least, i havent found the right social circle where such an open approach would be accepted by all women involved. i hear this is a problem celebrities do not have, and even though i walk through my life like the star of my own movie, i know i havent done enough in mainstream society in order for my polygamous beliefs to be accepted without question. i aim to change this, because any historically informed person will tell you that the concept of monogamy is the worst idea for people who intend to be married for the rest of their lives. whether people want to accept it or not, variety IS the spice of life, and this includes sexual partners in the bedroom. i would simply argue that the best couples i have ever met usually played this game together and were honest and upfront with their interests.

  however, the purpose of my post is to discuss the social behavior observed at a very sexy local club in The City, called John Colins. i am not in the business of promoting businesses which have not asked me to, but when i find a good place worth promoting, you best believe i use my natural promting abilities to share knowledge of the place.

  first of all: the entire night the place was packed; always a good sign of a good place. there were all types of people there, too, which made the atmosphere electric and sexy to simply be in. having been to enough clubs, i can assure you that you would prefer a place that is hot, sticky, and crowded to a place where you feel like no one interesting is ever going to arrive. the people there knew how to dress and everyone had a cool vibe about them. i actively saw women hitting on all types of men, except me (for some reason, women kept looking at me, but i guess i dont know the unspoken language of the eyes well enough to get women to come over to talk to me), which made it easier for me to observe human behavior. i have to admit that i was immediately attracted to like 80% of the women in the place, but because i was only able to engage 2 beautiful sisters into conversation that was the extent of my "grown boy feeling like a man" moments. and for the record, these sisters whom i engaged were slightly older than me, but probably had the best thought out outfits in the place. the hotter one is a firefighter and the other hot sister didnt tell me her occupation, but offered to facebook me the amazing pictures we took together; so we'll see if these girls were truly worth the trouble.

  the entire night the bar was packed, so i would recommend to anyone who goes to simply follow the old school rules: buy yourself A (1) drink to calm your nerves and then waste your time trying to talk to the sexy people around you. dont keep going back to the bar for more drinks unless you're a lush who knows how to handle your liquor. (i made the mistake of giving someone in my party a $10 for a beer and never got any change, which only upset me slightly because since i am still without my debit card at the moment, i had a limited amount of cash on me for both last night and today's trip up to Humboldt County. either way, this is a tangent).

  i realized last night that i am a sexy motherfucker, and if i would just take the time to develop practicing talking to women all night and learning to deal with rejection up front, versus playing the too-cool-for-school card, which comes naturally to me, i'd probably be getting laid enough to generate the energy necessary to run a small town. this thought got me SUPER excited this morning, which is why even though i only slept for 3hrs i got up and had to share my thoughts online. i had heard myths about how we're presently in a sexual revolution and the evidence observed at John Colins last night would suggest this to be a fact.

  women are at the point right now where they are willing to go up to guys they are attracted to, but i noticed they go up to all of the "pretty" guys. and then they walk away from them because i guess those guys dont deserve the attention said women initially bestowed upon them. then they spend all night scrambling to find one decent guy out of the rejects in order to go home with, because let's face it: when we go to a club we would prefer to go home with somebody to satisfy the REAL reason why we went in the first place: to find sex. yes, people, it really is that simple to break down social behavior, and i love it. people are finding cool spots and finding awesome ways to share the open secret of where to look for sex.

  the other day i found my self contemplating a sign from the universe that this sexual revolution was actually occuring. last night i learned that places like John Colins are where sexy singles go to mingle and be seen. isnt this the same thing celebrities do? isnt this why people read celebrity tabloids? so shouldnt it follow that common people would find creative ways to replicate this success in order to perpetuate the true agenda of the world? i have to admit that i was thoroughly impressed.

  full disclosure: one of my favorite cousins, Cousin Nancy, invited me to join her, her room mate, and a friend, on their night out. since i love being the DD, i volunteered my services, and being the only male i was given respect all night. also, because these girls love to drink and they know how much i abhor sloppy drunk women they were on their best behavior all night. i would say that last night was the first night i was able to have a truly good time without feeling like i was babysitting my cousin and her friends. and honestly, i had never felt that way until i started to notice how they would always end up drunk and talking bologna all night about their lives and stuff. i think my new attitude had a lot to do with it, because i made sure to be chill all night, talk with all of the girls to keep them happy and interested in the men around them, and then stayed out of the way as men approached them throughout the night.

  do yourself a favor and check the place out, and feel free to share your thoughts and ideas. also, i am a huge proponent of the Cat Club, which is usually good on thursday nights (my preferred night to go out), but i hear rumors of saturday nights being good too. admittedly, it isnt like John Colins, but my reasons for supporting it so passionately are because i know the owner and the staff and they are all amazing people who love to see me pass through there periodically.

  also, for those who dont know: when you plan to frequent a place learn to make friends with the door staff in order for them to become familiar with you so that they'll let you in any time you feel like stopping by and you can avoid lines. this is how my Cousin Nancy rolls; this is how I roll; this is how celebrities roll. in the previous example, whom do you want to be? i can already tell you that being like me is easy if you learn to stay calm, but barring that channel your nervous energies and be a celebrity. listen to my advice, it's free and completely logical. all door staff will work with you if you let them feel like you're not trying to punk them. my advice helped a young woman last night to cut the line, so believe me when i say it works.

  finally, i will be sure to further work out the kinks of my sexual revolution theory and i will keep you all posted as to the fun i have along the way. i'm super old school in that i prefer to go out alone, so i'm in no rush to get this thing right. i want to be able to feel the thrill of the night on any given night. and because some of my best friends already know how special it is to be around me, i want to learn to make it easy for those around me to get laid too. this is called thinking outside the box (an intended pun) and i know it's the only way i know how to think. i just have to practice getting back into the box more often. i'm beginning to see why people avoid being celibate for long periods of time, and my unwillingness to satisfy my carnal desires by picking a random girl and then screwing her brains out will eventually lead to something ridiculous happening to me; ha ha ha.

  ah, the joys of being a single 26 year old Latino male in the Bay Area. i wouldn't ask to be anywhere else in the world, unless of course i was invited to be there...


1 comment:

  1. ah the devilish PHILOSOPHER? I have reviewed your post at the bequest of an associate that commented as you are, according to him, "the wisest philosopher he has read in his lifetime". So I embarked on the transients pathways of enlightenment, not jumping on the first trains railroad car that passed, more as if I jumped head first in front of the railroad train, slow as I am, barely missing the caboose. Damn, now my luck! How can I do the unimaginable to only imagine a life similiar to yours except that as a true perveyor of the quality medication that enables our inner third eye not to see, but to be our Third Eye Blind (cheap reference; nothing to do with band of course)misleading us in a reversal of fortune forward thought without thinking direction. So enough of my persistance in self gratification to admonish that one evil that has us all perplexed. What might that evil be, a question you, the Devilish Philospher may ask and or ponder? No reason to be perplexed as you travel to a safe zone within this large city to a small mind, yet less than a spot similiar to stains dropped as undergarments are returned to their unnatural state covering all that can not be seen, seen only by the naked eye yet nakedness is not preferred within this world, Scarlette Johanson (Spelling ?) controlled and self induced! Everyday, you go to work, you the great PHILOSOPHER? to seem and idolize those in history that have walked before you, you can not even begin to imagine a mind that as if you can't see a mind as great as mine. You mentioned greeks, which as documented on walls and written in stone was a society of perversion, perverted old men to lazy to work, more a problem! So as you can see a rant, I ranted and mentally threw you a rave, so awake and begin to behave, if its pussy and or dick you crave, first admit honesty for you and then everybody else. I sit and seem to think, I think I thought a thought to think, how can you and not him or her have become a "Devilish?" all because, the cat you chase with haste has created a dog? Or is the dog, which chases a cat to only realize that in the dogs unbeknownst wisdom can become as lazy as his master allows and basically if unchallenged will give himself a blowjob that not a woman on this planet can provide. Over the period of a small fraction of most old perverted men's lives, and met many including the CAT ownership, once or twice. Really the best feeling is a day alone, take a relaxing slow stroke, stop, stroke and relzx taking your time until you reach that point of no return and enjoy, don't stop until you are begging to thank yourself for lending a hand. Congrats to the Not truly Devilish, more Angelic similiar to the school girls that play at the park, Philosopher? so far you rant, but what truly have you said, and yes to admit yourself to a hospital because your fears overtook, you must step up in life and become a man. At which point, as you remove the left nipple from between your teeth and the scent of breast milk still envelops my nostrils as you say, "I AM A MAN, I think" should be your statement. Man, oh man, how and why are you here? Sit, wander and perhaps to ponder? What is it in this life you seek, a man love experience since you have made a choice, well speak up son now you got a choice, and latin you claim perfect no shame, can you say, "Papi?". I grow tired of my ramble, and trust a ramble to much, once you discover the source you will buy me a lunch. I will teach and educate on a formal level, but I give warning and advise, I am not a homosexual! I again, warn not for fear, but to stop the thoughts in your mind from attempting my rear. Eitherways, you got some attention. NOW FACE FOUR WORDS, "WITH DEATH, YOU LIVE"!
