Saturday, June 23, 2012

|\...hey, mom, FUCK YOU!!!.../|

|\...not exactly the first thing you think when you think of a mom, but i have my reasons for saying it.

* first off, this bitch thinks i owe her something, and she claims it isnt all the money she's "wasted" on me. HA, if that bitch only knew how many times i had millionaires lined up waiting to work with she and i in order to build their "network marketing" schemes. stupid bitch turned me down each and every time. i'm telling you, i have my reasons.

* people wonder WHY i hate money? it's like they say in the streets: money makes people act funny. once niggas/bitches see that paper they start salivating at the mouth like one of pavlov's dogs. personally, i HATE money, despise it, cant stand it. wish the world would find a less destructive way to  do commerce.

  of course, it MUST be reiterated that i am NOT a born "american". i am not a gringo like the rest of y'all who have NO IDEA what it's like to "make it" somewhere. i've had to fight since i first came to this damn country back in '86. i've had to kick ass in classes with kids who were better funded and trained than my self. i literally would crawl out of bed, go through my morning routine with my eyes closed, sleep in the car on the way to work, and THEN open them when i reached school. it's part of your training process as a philosopher, but only we know what we're doing.

  i had so much fun in school just being me, not giving a fuck about what anybody said. it was NO COINCIDENCE that i spent my better days in high school getting high and fucking all day. i knew i'd EARNED that right to fuck off, because i didnt want to wait 'til college to burn the candle at both ends. when you're like me, you see the pin before the sound waves hit your ears. in other words, you're ALWAYS ahead. it's a game of purposely trailing in order to steal the win at the end. or in spanish, "ahi viene el tiburon!(here comes the shark!)"you never notice the damn thing until it's right on you, and they do that shit by design.

   just a partial reason why the great white shark is my favorite water creature. penguins are my favorites of all time, if you didnt know.

* as some of you will guess, i got into another argument with my folks this morning. my fucking mom came out of the wood works swinging and i had to level her with my honest words. i told her to her face that i'm leaving and she's never seeing me again. i mean it this time. i've finished peeping her game and i've come to the conclusion that i was right all along. my mom sold out her values a LONG time ago. in fact, since she was her fathers favorite, she NEVER had traditional salvadorian values.

  my mom approaches everything from a point of fear because she never learned how to be tough. i, on the other hand, have been dealing with being given the short end of the stick every time i deserved to be rewarded. i noticed a long time ago how she loves spending money on others but will undoubtedly turn me down whenever i ask for any minimal amount. to her, i'm just an expenditure which can be written off elsewhere. she substituted quality time with trips to parks and rivers and lakes, which are NOT the same. as a young boy who had to deal with growing up with no real father figure in my developmental years, i developed a series of games that she never quite learned to navigate because she CHOSE to not go to school. thus, by design she was already "behind" in my "simple" game.

  my entire life has been spent trying to help educate someone who has clearly demonstrated a lack of interest in bettering her self. her world is retail therapy and thinking of whom she can buy with her latest offering, claiming she's "religious" (mormon) and believes in god. bitch, PLEASE! we ALL see right through you. you disguise it as charity, but you always want something in return, instead of giving it freely. or, she prefers to play mind games pretending to be "shy", when we ALL already know about "shy" bitches. shy bitches are the WORST, and my mom is the worst woman i know in many regards.

  i wont discuss how she mind fucks my dad, because that is their relationship, but i will continue to roast her because she has earned my ire.

  she thinks that because i'm agreeing to take my medication and am "behaving" that all is well, but it is not, and it hasnt been for some time. i've been VERY upset with both my parents for a while, because neither demonstrates the capacity to care about me. they show that they care how my actions will reflect upon them, which is pure bollocks. either way, i dont hate them, i'm just disappointed with the way they expect me to be when i've always been my self my whole life.

* time to watch the euro's, i wish france had a decent chance to upset spain...

Sunday, June 17, 2012


|\...somedays, i wonder out loud but the answers make no sense. out loud, i wonder "why?" and i'm welcomed with an emptiness that is both hollow and satisfying.

* every day is a journey forward and back. some days i dont know whether i'm coming or going, but i know i'm in motion, and that's enough for me. i cant judge anyone, let alone make complete sense of my situation, so i medicate whenever possible to help me deal with my situation. the calm it brings is something i desire daily, but my loved ones find it hard to understand.

* somedays, i wonder out loud, and i'm welcomed with an emptiness that is both hollow and satisfying. i just want to understand the endgame and have this all come to an end.../|

edwin the penguin