Monday, March 1, 2010

this is more like a first date with a loquacious guy who's thoughts are all over the place...

*exhales deeply*

  i dont think i even know how difficult my days are sometimes. i certainly do not take them for granted, but a part of me cant help but think that perhaps i work myself a little too hard? on second thought, i just move at a very fast pace. *laugh*

  lately i've been working on some cool mental tricks which i believe will help me to fully channel all of my inner energy into the "real" world. i say "real" because reality is sooo subjective. for instance, i'm practicing seeing all around me at once. *pause* yes, i am aware of the magnitude of the statement i have just made, but suffice it to say that when i'm told that the average human uses only about 10% of their brain, i do not believe myself to be a part of the status quo.

  granted, statistics are difficult to believe because they can be easily used to manipulate public opinion. again, this is an instance when i consider myself to be an anomaly; an outlier, especially because i am all too familiar with the "tricks of the trade" and how advertisers, marketers, and the like, use to try and manipulate the public. i must clarify that i am not opposed to marketing or advertising, but i always find it entertaining to observe the tactics the powers that be employ. it almost makes me want to work with them, until i think about the fact that i've spent  lot of time educating my opinion and to give such valued information away would simply be too easy.

but i digress...

  the truth is i intend for this blog to be more of a free-write/thought sort of exercise for myself; a place where a boy can put down his thoughts, unfiltered and uncensored for the public to enjoy. assuming i ever move up the social ladder and begin to garner media scrutiny, i want to have a starting point which i can refer others to and say look, i am who i am and i'm not going to change.

  in my opinion, candor is underrated. people always mention how celebrities are often just ghosts of themselves because they dont want to offend anyone in order to maximize their marketability and thus their profitability, but i believe the paying public has a right to know someones honest opinions. perhaps it's the fact that i dont follow the mainstream with as fine a comb as i follow the details of my life, but i certainly feel like so many people are afraid of offending someone so much that they end up giving cliche's as answers which only serves to put off a thinking boy such as myself. i wonder where all of the unfiltered opinions are? in the time being, it is easy for me to be so frank because i am definitely nowhere near the public eye, but i would assuredly invite any interested parties into my life so long as they respected me.

  then again, i understand the reason why celebrities are the way they are. the media is more in the business of literally selling print, and often it's members come off as cumbersome hounds who look down their noses at celebrities who rightfully make it difficult for them to obtain meaningful information from them.

  i understand that i'm playing both sides here in this post, but let me introduce you to MY method. it isnt professional (*cough* amateur!!!) but it IS honest, and i believe this is what counts.

first i determine my opinion and then i attempt to put it into words that encompass not only the opposing viewpoint, but also the potential opinions of those who might be listening nearby. some would say this is more thought than the average person puts into forming their opinions, but let's forget about that for right now. then i wait for the person(s) i'm conversing with to choose their opinions and then i play it by ear from there.

  like i said, it's a far from perfect process, but it does have have its roots in the Socratic Method which predates the Scientific Method. for me it is important to ask questions all of the time and while this may bother some people i would like to believe that everything people say and do serves as a tool for me to work with. i'm learning how to realize my potential all on my own. i'll admit it isnt the best process, but i can testify that it works quite well for me. more than anything my process is intended to engage my audience in order to allow them to logically reach a conclusion similar to the one i am proposing.

  what i enjoy most about my process is engaging my audience in order for them to make their minds up for themselves. it is something i realize i have been working on my whole life. there is a saying that "the devil is in the details" and this entertains me greatly because ever since i was a child i have been nicknamed "the devil". for those members of my assumed audience who are religious i say to you: it's all intended as humor; i am the not a devil or the devil, as it were. the reason i have even accepted the devil/devilish moniker is because it implies a childlike quality which i believe implies my lightheartedness with regards to social opinions.

  i take myself seriously, but i believe it's good to be a kid at heart at all times. the playfulness which is evident in my tone and manner of being is a credit to my tumultuous upbringing, some of which i admittedly put myself through on purpose. you're probably wondering why i would do such things, but we'll have to continue those thoughts another time. for now, let's just say that in the past i had yet to realize that i needed to slow my actions down to balance out my lightning-fast thought process. i'd like to believe that i am getting ever closer to realizing some of the most ambitious points of my life's work, but any version of me up to and including now would say the same thing.

  those who know me best will certainly attest to the fact that i'm willingly accepting becoming a full-fledged "adult", and somehow it fits me well. who woulda thunk this 10 years ago? i'm happy to admit that life is aging me well (he, he, he) and i continue to be as excited for life at my present age as when i was a wee lad.

until next time,


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