Thursday, April 19, 2012

|\ i was released from heritage oaks (psych ward/triage) in sacramento, even though i reside in contra costa (co co) county. i was held for 7 days and was prescribed the usual meds to tide me over until my court hearing may 2nd to decide if i'm eligible to receive my retirement pension early. everyone assures me that i will receive it, but i have a hard time accepting that as a fact when i know it depends on a damn judge. they've screwed me over in the past on technicalities, but i firmly believe i should receive my money.

* early saturday morning on the 6th of april, i was detained by the local police after my mom called the sheriffs and explained to them that i was "out of control". the local cops of el cerrito came to my brothers house and explained to them what was going on with me. long story short, they booked me into the jail and then sent me to county jail after they were done going through my belongings. i then spent countless hours going through the necessary steps in county to be allowed into the "module" they were running. it was crazy, because i didnt have any way to measure time, so it just dragged and dragged.

  during every interval, i was being guided by the mysterious "voices", which only made me appear crazier than i really am. the other inmates were scared shitless by me and i was allowed my own cell once i finally made it into the module. i couldnt even begin to attempt to describe the entire ordeal in the detail it deserves, but suffice it to say that i was confirmed by the county as being a veritable BADASS, in big block letters made with neon lights. even thinking about it brings up emotions that are still to raw to express. just know that i'm a much stronger person for having spent 8 days on lockdown in county jail, and i immediately earned the respect of all the inmates who were there with me.

  on a more entertaining note, i got to meet keek the sneak before i was discharged from county jail. i told him that i'd hacked the internet and he told me he was impressed by my accomplishment. i was waiting outside the jail when he was released and he requested to take a photo with me. that's just one of many celebrities i can count on as being one of my "supporters", ha ha ha. i told my mom about it and she simply nodded and smiled like she usually does when she finds something i share with her hard to believe. to be fair, she's never impressed with the names of the celebrities i tell her i've met. she's just glad that i'm getting any type of recognition, and that's how i feel about it, too. i'm never star-struck, mostly because i'm more special in the sense that i'm a san francisco "local", which is more difficult to come by than a celebrity within my beloved city.

* i was on my way to san francisco after being released from co co county jail when the "spirits" told me to feign a heart attack. this naturally led to the EMT's being called and for the local officer in charge to come to my rescue. they took me to county hospital and then transferred me to a psych ward in sacramento. i dont know why they didnt just take me to john muir, where i'm known, but i'm sure that in the long-run it was all meant to be.

  i spent 8 days in the psych ward doing my thing and getting reacquainted with my psych meds. i realized that i have to take them for my own good, but that with proper time i can go off them once and for all. i just have to play by the rules of the game, which philosophers invented, and then i'll be good to go. the government wants me to play by their rules, but they are revealing certain codes to me in order for me to succeed at toppling them. i know that most of what i'm saying is cryptic and hard to understand, but believe me when i say that what i'm "doing" or "working on" is government approved. they just have to continue to make me seem like a lunatic acting on his own, because it wouldnt look good for them to approve of a hacker like me. them's the breaks, as we say in the street.

* i dont feel like writing too much more, not for fear or anything, but because it's still too soon to discuss everything that i've been through. i could easily write 10,000 words based on the events of the past 2 weeks, but that's another assignment for another day. i just want to thank all of you who are reading my blog. even though you dont send me messages, i know you're loyal to me in your own ways and that's good enough for me. i love all of you, whoever you may be, ha ha ha.



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