Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Dude, where's my car...

 * hello and welcome back to my shitty reality show. my name is Edwin the Penguin and ill be your host for the evening. turns out great things happen when you turn 40 years old. i'm talking to a girl in El salvador that appreciates my efforts to fulfill her desires. I'm working for Uber again, after 7 years away. I'm hosting a radio show on Wednesday afternoons from 4-6pm on radiovalencia.fm and it's going well.

* I've stayed on my meds now for 4 years straight and I only have good things to report. I haven't had sex in 6 years, but that's the only thing that isn't going well for me. i was doing comedy for 6 months before taking a break, but I think i'm ready to return to it. i'll have to check out open mics in my area and then perform.

* I met a girl online and we're talking. her name is klaudia and I think I love her. she makes me hot and sends me pictures and videos. she just turned 33 and she wants to give me children. she has 3 of her own, two of which have cake days in June. I hope to be able to send them money for a cake before that. either way, I think I have found a woman that can make me happy. I want to work to go to El Salvador for my birfday this year to meet her. hopefully, I can fix papers for her to come sooner rather than later.

* my parents arent happy with themselves and now my brother lives with them. I think he's doing alright, considering he's going through a divorce. my parents are doing their best to take care of him while he lives with them. my brother is doing much better on his own than he ever was with his wife. I don't think he will ever get married again, but he did say that he wants kids. we'll see what he does.

* i'm drinking PBR tonight and have already had 5 beers. I bought a 30 pack of PBR for $22. i'm going to enjoy the night because I made $350 today. I bought enough weed and vape carts to last me for the next month. now, I'm even saving money on weed. way to go, Charlie Brown.

* I'm going to end this entry early. I don't feel like  writing more than this. I have to wake up before noon tomorrow. I have a long day of driving ahead of me. I have to call my PCP and schedule my next appointment. it's going to be a long day tomorrow. have a good night everyone...