Thursday, September 19, 2019

"quite frankly, my dear: i dont give a flying fuck!!!"...

* and so it is...just like you said it would goes easy on me...most...of the time*


turns out a lot of what i was experiencing previously was more real than i gave it credit for, and that fact alone is disturbing enough. yes, it was quite emotionally disturbing, to put it kindly, the way my mind lost it's way and i ended getting literally mind fucked like some community whore in the millenium's hottest digital VR (augmented reality) gangbang where everyone who could afford the buy in, or had signed on for dibs prior to the release of said technology, ALL got to basically take me for the proverbial ride. to say it was demeaning, degrading, and downright depressing is a yuge understatement. suffice it to say that i fully expect there to be many and plenty attempts made in the future to try and jeopardize my position by "threatening" to "leak" said experiences and i will simply reply: "make my day", and then hang up, or walk away, depending on the circumstances.

* my mind is playing tricks on me, i'm certain of it, because the longer i remain alive, the more i am forced to face with the reality that "strange things are afoot at the circle K, dude", trust me.

for starters: plenty of people with seemingly more important public roles have all died, or been killed, or basically have "become deceased", as it were, yet here i remain.

as i have been repeating to anyone that will listen: if i believe my existence to be enough of a threat to the powers that be, then why am i still alive? honestly, i'm not sure if i'm looking to find out the answer to that question anymore, which essentially removes my sense of purpose from my life, it's rather strange and yet gratifying at the same time, and i wouldnt have it any other way, trust me; i've earned this privilege to rest and relax and accumulate various layers of cum on my multiple cum rags, all of which are fun to fill regularly, ha ha ha.

but i digress.

* honestly, i wouldnt expect any of you to be able to understand the level of bullshit that i went through, nor to have any desire to listen to the sordid details of how i essentially wasted most of my earnings from the years 2015 - 2018 on a relationship that was basically meaningless and especially useless. unfortunately, the one thing that was supposed to bring me pleasure the most (oral sex) was actually the most painful part of the entire relationship, and that's when i made my final decision to cut bait, ha ha ha. alas, it sure was nice proving to my self that i can enjoy wasting money on a woman that neither deserved it, nor appreciated the efforts i went through just to support her desired way of life. it's sad for her, but points for me, because i can comfortably dictate that particular aspect of any future relationship(s) i might potentially embark on.

this bitch was UNGRATEFUL!!! for that, let them pay in the future for it, considering that is essentially the same behavior women employ. what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

* i'm living in San Francisco in the neighborhood known as "midtown" and i am loving it. i basically just chill, consume cannabis, and basically run errands. i'm doing much better mentally, emotionally, physically, and everything else. i'm finally "living off the fat of the land", like george and lenny were hoping to do someday. that movie always gets me, but i didnt manage to watch the ending before it was removed from the VUDU app; alas.

i still drive a stick (manual transmission), only now i drive a different vehicle. i drive a 2001 nissan sentra GXE, with a shitty paint job, and i fucking LOVE it. i think there's something wrong with the way it's wired, or running in general, but it's serving it's necessary purpose for now, and that's all i need it for at the moment.

* i have been single since September of last year, when i finally decided to finish things with the ungrateful ass bitch in el salvador. i felt that i had wasted enough time, money, and especially effort.

since then, i have managed to improve pretty much everything about my self, and i am even down in size and feeling great. to say i look great is an understatement; i look SEXY, ha ha ha. if i could, i would fuck myself, but only if i were a female version with a fully functional body, because i'm not into men with regards to fornicating. i do, however, firmly believe that "a mouf is a mouf".

it's weird to be back in a familiar position, only at a more advanced age. for those who dont know: i turned 36 years old this year. yes, read that number again: 36!!! i cant believe i made it this far along in life, considering where my mind was at the start of the decade, but i am most definitely grateful and appreciative for the opportunity to continue fucking around in this collective existence we call "reality". i'll be sure to continue to do my part to keep stirring the pot and serving y'all your sweet, sweet koolaid y'all love and enjoy, with EXTRA fluoride flavor, ha ha ha...